Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Republican Convert to PUMA-ism

I have to admit this is a post I never thought I would write. Sometimes conditions change and thoughts are expressed in a way that changes hearts and minds. On that note I would like to declare that I am a Republican convert to the PUMA movement. (If you need a primer on the hottest movement in the country click on this link.)

When the campaigns started last year I fell into the trap like many Republicans of thinking that we should do everything in our power to stop Hillary. I confess that I was persuaded over the last several years by the conservative talking heads that Hillary would be the worst thing for the country. I am somewhat of a moralist and I never really forgave her husband for his adultery while in office. Not only did he cheat, but he lied about it under oath! I thought it was a disgrace to an office held by greater men and patriots. Unfortunately, I let that incident bleed over into my impressions of of Hillary.

But, then a remarkable thing happened. As I followed the election coverage and actually listened to candidates on both sides, I realized that Hillary Clinton is really an amazing politician -- tough, opinionated, strong and well-versed on policy. She does not capitulate or pander. She has her positions which are well thought out and she articulates them convincingly. She is a great candidate. I may disagree politically, but I have to admit I respect her and admire her for her accomplishments.

I thought McCain v. Clinton would have been a great dialogue and debate for the American people. It would have been a true race with two tested and ready politicians who care deeply about this nation. Unfortunately, a certain segment of the Democratic party led by John Kerry and Howard Dean decided that their ego's and need for power were greater than the needs of our country. These Democrats saw Obama as the perfect puppet from which to pull the strings and to give them power. They propped him up, altered the rules and he won the nomination. When you look back and realize he won almost every caucus, you realize his victory was hollow and not a true representation of the will of the people. On top of that the debacle in Florida and Michigan was an utter shame. As a Republican, I watched that play out and I thought, "They are not really going to ignore two of the most important states in the union." But, Howard Dean and his crew found a way to make a mockery of the whole process and alienate the party members in two states. In Michigan they actually allocated delegates to a candidate who was not on the ballot (OBAMA) and did this allocation based on exit polls!! Regardless of your political party, as an American, this has to get you fired up and passionate about the destruction and manipulation of the system.

On that note over the past several weeks I have taken great interest in the PUMA movement within the Democratic party. I think this movement is vital for our democracy and I am outraged that it is being ignored by the main stream media. Their bias towards Obama is obfuscating the true political story that is in the works. I believe that the PUMA's should go to Denver and make a stand for the real candidate from the Democratic side -- Senator Clinton.

Please, PUMA's keep up the enthusiasm, their are many Republicans out there who are sympathetic to your cause. You may think this is because we want to see infighting within your party, but as for me that is simply not the case. I would rather see Hillary come out of Denver and win in a free and fair election, than have Obama anywhere near the Oval Office.

Keep fighting and please vote for this article on Real Clear Politics if you agree. It is a strong way to start getting the message heard. If we unite and keep fighting the media will have to start addressing the circumstances and then we can rally the masses to the cause!! Keep up the good work.


kmorrison said...

Excellent article. I too had some reservations about Hillary because of her husband, but if you watched the debates she didn't just win those debates she dominated them. The media is portraying complaints about fairness as sour-grapes, but there are solid reasons for Clinton supporters to be angry about the treatment of their candidate and the methodology of the DNC and Obama campaign.

MJMotley said...

While know this may be a bridge too far, I submit that it it do much to heal the greats rifts in this country, McCain/Clinton'08.

If you think that it would be impossible for these two to come together for the betterment of the nation, take a look......

Now this WOULD redraw the electoral map like nothing before.

CJ said...

Great. Thanks adding to PUMA-ism. The more PUMAs the better! If PUMAs prevail in Denver will Hillary get your vote? I always thought that the negativity about Hillary from the Republican side came from seeing her as the stronger Dem candidate.

Anonymous said...

Yes we can, but NO we won't. It's amazing how far the media has pushed a candidate that America really doesn't want.

Logistics Monster said...

This is a great post! I would like to reprint it on my blog (even though our detractors think we are cloaked republicans) because I think it speaks volumes about the American People as a whole who are committed to "Country Before Party". Please let me know by posting a comment at

TexasRed said...

I've believed for a while that the real "dream team" would be McCain/Clinton, and have joked about it with others.

Honestly, though, I don't think there are half-a-dozen politicians in the entire country who honestly care about America and the American people, and neither Clinton nor McCain are in that group.

Logistics Monster said...

Mahalo for letting me post your story. Stop by if you get a chance.

CKAinRedStateUSA said...

I'd add that there are conservatives who also support the PUMA and allied movements.

While I would not have voted for Hillary Clinton, and I would not have hoped she prevailed in the general election, I do think that at least with her competing against John McCain that America would've had two adults running.

It would've been a real contest.

And at least it would've been fair to the Democrats who turned out to vote.

I live in a state where the congressional delegation gave the one-finger salute to the will of the Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton. How so? She won, the pols endorsed Obama.

As for McCain/Clinton? As tantalizing as it sounds, it won't work. But it would certainly redraw the electoral map, as an earlier poster said.

cajuncocoa said...

When Senator Obama said he was the candidate to unify people, he probably didn't expect it would be a unity of Hillary supporters and McCain supporters...LOL!!

We can all agree on one thing: NObama '08!

Dolphin Hollowstate Labs said...

Count me in as another Republican convert to PUMAism.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see PUMAs finally starting to admit that they're Republicans.