Thursday, July 3, 2008

Newt's Big Idea -- A Common Sense Solution To The Energy Crisis

Please watch this, I don't think anyone has a clearer idea on how to get us out of this energy disaster and the fact that we are forecast to spend $700 Billion on imported oil this year.. According to Fortune, China is building 21 nuclear power plants and India 6 and the rest of the world 9, and the Us none.Over 300 more are in the planning or proposal stage including the US. France gets 78% of its power from Nuclear, Belgium 54%, and Sweden 48%. The US gets 19% of its power from Nuclear and that is after a 30 year hiatus on new plant construction in the US. Think how different things would be if we had been building plants like the others and how much cleaner our environment would be. Why does congress refuse to act?

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