Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Inevitable Hillary is a Loser

Nathan Hale

Hillary and Bill are not going back to the White House. Here are 13 reasons why:

1.Hillary has no class. She has been swept away in the last seven primaries and she can not even acknowledge Obama’s sweeping victories. She pretends they did not happen and do not matter.
2.Americans could not come to grips with the idea of Bill Clinton roaming around the White House for years with nothing to do.
3.Her “ready on day one” and “35 years of experience” did not sell.
4.Nobody cares what her mute daughter thinks.
5.Kennedy and Kerry jumped her sinking ship weeks ago.
6.The base knows she voted to go to war in Iraq.
7.She is now loaning her stalled campaign millions.
8.She has now employed the failed Giuliani firewall strategy.
9.The media [the vast left wing conspiracy] has turned on her.
10.Race bating by Bill in South Carolina backfired.
11.Americans wonder if she has a dress.
12.The Clintons lust for personal power is a turn off.
13.Bill is relieved that she is a loser; he is now off the hook.

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