Thursday, February 14, 2008

"The day Huckabee walks away from this race, is the day the Democrats effectively take office" A Prohetic Assertion/Delusion By A Huckabee Supporter?

Eight Questions For Huckabee Fans:

Can we waive the white flag?
Can we give you an olive branch?
Are you really going to sit out the election?
Where was all the passion for Huckabee before McCain emerged as the nominee?
When are you going to stop the insanity and deal with reality?
Have you formed your own party?
On the day McCain receives the 1191 delegates will you back him?
Honestly, what is so great about Huckabee? Other than being from the south?


MrWill said...

Did you read the whole post or just one line?

Can we waive the white flag?
Surrender? Why, Huck is still winning states!

Are you really going to sit out the election?
DID YOU READ THE POST! It said we would hold our noses JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, and vote Mccain, but IT WONT BE ENOUGH to overcome the Dems. McCain has lost the south, heartland, and evangelicals, while in the end, they will vote for him against the dems, he has no enthusiasm behind him with half his votes coming from disgruntled duty votes... thats a recipe for disaster!

Where was all the passion for Huckabee before McCain emerged as the nominee? There has always been passion. We have been waiting for a candidate like Huck to come along! The question is, why does the McCain camp have to figure out how to get half of the conservative party to "line up behind him?" People DONT WANT MCCAIN, and the people trying to convince us dont even like him!

When are you going to stop the insanity and deal with reality? The reality is, you dont listen to the guy winning telling you to quit so it will be easier for him to win! Its idiotic to even suggest it! If McCain is strong enough to win the nomination, then just shut up and do it! And until that happens, don't mind us if we vote for the guy we want!

Have you formed your own party? NO its called the republican party... you know.. the one that McCain has turned his back on several times and pissed off the whole base..

On the day McCain receives the 1191 delegates will you back him? As stated in the post.. YES.. we will vote for him because we hate the dems.. but McCain will have a complete lack of energy in his campaign and will get crushed. He is the WRONG CHOICE.

Honestly, what is so great about Huckabee? Other than being from the south?
Hmmm lets see, He carried the heart of the republican party - the south, carried heartland states, can take RED texas, carries evangelicals (1/3 of the party), and has a huge EXCITED grass roots! HE IS THE PERFECT CANDIDATE to go against the dems! Its time to pull the starter and bring in the closer!!!!

Truth Unites... and Divides said...

Hey Patrick Henry,

Read this blog post about McCain's chances in the fall:

VOTE HUCKABEE to get to a GOP brokered convention!

Block McCain from getting to 1191!

Editor said...

A strong Huckabee candidacy is also important for the future of the GOP.

"I think he's gained enormously over the course of this, and strengthened his position for whatever he chooses to do next, and at the same time, he may play a pretty powerful role in reunifying the Republican Party," said Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, who runs the GOP's House campaign committee. "The personal vitriol that can sometimes occur in these things just seems to be absent between these two, so that's sort of a nice way to end up a pretty spirited process."

Huckabee is a safety valve for the GOP. His candidacy allows voters in Texas and several other states who have not voted a chance to “vote their conscience” in good faith. He encourages traditional conservatives to believe that the Post-Reagan GOP hasn’t totally jettisoned the social conservative “leg” of the Reagan coalition.

Huckabee is the only GOP candidate who has remotely engendered the sort of grassroots excitement and enthusiasm of Obama-mania. Without Huckabee, the next six months would become a virtual “blackout” period for Republicans.

Saddled by a “Blue-state” front-loaded primary scheme (and the expensive, corrosive machinations of the Romney-ians) with a “presumptive nominee” who inspires little affection or excitement in the Red State base, once Huckabee is gone, the vast majority of the GOP electorate will “tune out.” This promises to “suck all of the air” out of the GOP election machine for several months (all the while the raging Obama-Hillary battle royale stokes the Democrats to a fever pitch).

Huckabee’s importance to true, consistent traditional conservatives and to the GOP as a whole is far more than just the real possibility that he COULD block McCain’s coronation by the “establishment.”

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is essential to the struggle of traditional conservatives to prevent the GOP from slipping further into a secularized, urbanized “big [increasingly empty] tent.”

Huckabee’s continued candidacy – as was Ronald Reagan’s valiant fight in 1976 -- is crucial for driving the GOP away from the detached “country club/Rockefeller malaise” that always results when the party coalesces around another “establishment” nominee who’s “time has come.”

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is necessary to keep McCain focused on competing for the grassroots of the GOP,

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is critical for energizing the scores of voters who increasingly believe that the GOP is not responsive to their concerns.

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is indispensable for building up and encouraging the next generation conservative leaders to fight for traditional conservative values.

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is virtually obligatory to demonstrate that our elections are not always for sale to the highest bidder and that both passion and ideas matter.

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is about proclaiming a message of truth on many of the critical issues of our time.

Huckabee’s continued candidacy is about hope: hope (albeit slim) for today and for the future.

While pundits such as Rush Limbaugh cynically dismiss hope as a force in life and in politics, many of Huckabee’s supporters know the timeless wisdom that “hope does not disappoint” regardless of the immediate outcome when that hope is placed in beliefs, values and actions that are fundamentally ordained as true, just, and correct.

The continued candidacy of Mike Huckabee isn’t just about winning. It’s about rebuilding the movement to fight for the values which at the essence of the American experience.

Keep running, Mike!

Lookingfornobility said...

A miracle is going to happen! Jesus loves Huck and Huck loves Jesus! He defines conservatism, what ever that means!

Just like Romney being a flip-flopper does not make Huckabee a conservative, John McCain being a horrible candidate does not make Huckabee a good one. A lack of enthusiasm for McCain does NOT translate into enthusiasm for Huckabee.

Huckabee supporters don't even try to convince. "He is conservative" seems to be the sum of their arguments.

McCain will get slaughtered in the general. Not because conservatives do not "hold their noses" but because he offers nothing to contrast with the Democrats other than the war. If the war is your main issue, you are already Republican and won't vote for a democrat.

At this point, there is only one Republican candidate who could be worse than McCain, and that is Huckabee. He is even less appealing than McCain. If you are not an evangelical or a populist he has nothing to offer. His supporters do not even offer up actual legislation, because there isn't any. Surely if, after the dozen challenges I have put forth, there is still no response the reason can only be because there IS NO legislation.

The only real question at this point is if they will go to the convention and, after McCain wins the nomination, demand a "brokered convention". Once McCain has had 1200 delegates vote for him will they still say "who cares Huckabee can still win it!!"???