Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For Better Or Worse Mike Huckabee Is A Looter

In her fabled classic, "Atlas Shrugged", the late Ayn Rand divides the people of the world into two distinct groups. The first group are the "Producers". These are the people that create, organize, build and lead society. Rand postulates that if the "Producers" went on strike that the world would fall into anarchy.

The second group of people are "Looters". They siphon off of the "Producers" ability and believe that the "Producers" should be forced to share with the masses. The "looters" are not fans of individual achievment, rugged individualism or capitalism.

Obviously, Rand paints the world in simplistic terms, but she forces each reader to decide if they are a producer or a looter.

If you pointed a gun to my head and forced me to make the call regarding Mike Huckabee, I would have to say that he is a looter, and that is why he is unappealing to 70% of the Republican party.

In his own words, "I think we need a President who comes from Main Street not from Wall Street."

Come on Mike, what kind of comment is that? What are you trying to say?

As a capitalist, I am thankful for the guys and gals on Wall Street, and I appreciate their industry, drive, ambiton and competence.

I hope they never go on strike.


Truth Unites... and Divides said...

What a remarkably unintelligent blog assertion that Mike Huckabee is a looter.

Lazair34me said...

"Main Street" alludes to small business. i.e. "producer"

"Wall Street" alludes to power maniacs using producer's money. i.e. "looter"