Monday, February 11, 2008

A Fair Response To A Huckabee Fanatic

The following is actual commentary by a Huckabee supporter. My responses are in red:

According to RealClearPolitics McCain has 720 delegates & still needs 471 to win.
That means he has to get 44% of the remaining delegates to secure 1191.

2) So Huckabee needs to win 57% of the remaining delegates to force this to a Brokered Convention.

If your goal is a "brokered convention" then you are out of your mind. A "brokered convention" is equivalent to a fractured party. Why would that be your goal? Why do you assert that this somehow strengthens the party? Do you want to destroy the GOP?

At a brokered convention Huckabee would be humiliated. The Romney wing of the party are not supporters of Huckabee. They would coalesce around McCain.

I can't believe I even have to respond to this as the numbers do not add up for Huck. McCain will receive way more than the required delagates prior to the convention. It is over!

3) On Super Tuesday McCain got 42% of the vote in Blue States and only 26% in Red States. Over 60% of McCain’s delegates have come from Blue States. Do we really want our candidate picked by States that we have very little chance of winning in the Fall?

Yes, McCain's strength in the Blue states increases the likelihood of winning the nomination, which is the goal if you are a member of the GOP.

4) Remaining delegates: Red States = 711 [ 70.5% ], Blue States = 297 [ 29.5% ]

RED States Left:
47 Louisiana
39 Kansas
63 Virginia
140 Texas
88 Ohio
39 Mississippi
69 North Carolina
57 Indiana
33 Nebraska
45 Kentucky
32 Idaho
32 New Mexico
27 South Dakota

5) Every time Republicans have gone to a Brokered Convention we have won!

Abraham Lincoln – 3rd Ballot - Won Presidency
Rutherford Hayes – 7th Ballot - Won Presidency
James Garfield - 36th Ballot - Won Presidency
Warning Harding – 10th Ballot – Won Presidency

6) Conservatives Unite! There is still time! Win the Red States and we go to the convention for a discussion about what it means to be a republican.

The only people uniting around Mike Huckabee are Evangelical Christians. That is his base and only source of support. Conservatives have already united around McCain. Stop the delusions and start helping the Party.


Desoto for Huckabee said...

Well I live in Mississippi and we have not voted yet. If you don't mind I would like a chance to vote for my choice for the nomination. Since my choice has yet to remove himself from the race and no candidate has reached 1191 delagates then I would like the chance to vote for him. With the victories that Gov. Huckabee had in LA and KS I would suggest to you that the Romney supporters are not supporting McCain but Huckabee. Just my two cents.

Phil Dillon, Prairie Apologist said...

i'm not fracturing any party. Just read the history of the 1860 Republican convention and you'll see that prevailing political wisdo isn't always so wise.

Truth Unites... and Divides said...

If your goal is a "brokered convention" then you are out of your mind. A "brokered convention" is equivalent to a fractured party. Why would that be your goal?

Since you like to throw out assertions without reasoning and use it as a pseudo-facsimile of sound argumentation, I'll do the same.

A brokered convention may be exactly what the GOP party needs! Historically, ask yourself the following question: Have the GOP won after having gone through a brokered convention?

Let me save you some time. The answer is "YES!"

So don't unreflexively assume and unthinkingly knee-jerk react that a brokered convention is a bad thing for the GOP.

Are you out of your mind???

Why do you assert that this somehow strengthens the party? Do you want to destroy the GOP?

See above answer to your "presumptive" questions.

At a brokered convention Huckabee would be humiliated. The Romney wing of the party are not supporters of Huckabee. They would coalesce around McCain.

Again, assertions attempting to masquerade as sound argument. Actually, I have read and heard that there are many Romneyians who are very unhappy with McCain's attacks on Romney.

I can't believe I even have to respond to this as the numbers do not add up for Huck. McCain will receive way more than the required delagates prior to the convention. It is over!

It ain't over until it's over. If you want to crow and brag and count your chickens before the eggs hatch, then go ahead.

akfjenaulwn said...

I would think that John McCain wouldn't want to just breeze through to his assumed victory.

The Democratic race is hotter than all get out which means that no news is no news for the Republican party and John McCain. If there isn't something in the news about the Republicans, then people will have completely forgotten about him come November.

I spoke with a friend of mine last night and he was surprised when I told him that Romney was out of the race. My point: if regular Joe's who don't follow each and every bit of political news throughout the year haven't heard anything about McCain, then they'll say to themselves, "Nobody else in the race, I'll just vote for Barack."

The other point that I'd like to mention to you is that some of us 'Evangelicals' don't, let me say, HATE John McCain's promotion of embryonic stem cell research. If McCain 'gets it' about this issue by Huckabee staying in the race, then it will all be worth it. More comments at my blog:

Jessica said...

I'm in Ohio and I too have not been able to cast my vote. I don't like that the redundants have decided that McCain is the winner, he isn't. He has not met the requirements to be the official nominee. I think its daft to say that only Christians are supporting Huckabee. And I find it insulting that anyone who identifies themselves as conservatives are being told to snap to it, shut up, behave and get in line. I have a nice(well not so much) hand gesture that would be a sutiable response to that request.