Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Media Admits McCain Is Unstoppable

In a remarkable sign of self-awareness the liberal media is admitting that John McCain is virtually unstoppable as a candidate.

Michael Kinsley of Time Magazine admits that "John McCain is widely regarded as honest, courageous, likable and intelligent. As a lifelong Democrat...I am surely going to vote against McCain, but it is going to take work, and there will be moments of doubt. This will be no fun. McCain is perceived as authentic, which is a deeper form of honesty than mere truth-telling....Among current or recent figures in American public life, only Colin Powell shares McCain's mystical ability to make liberals believe he secretly agrees with them, no matter what he actually says. And Powell has to work at having it both ways...If the Democrats nominate Hillary, both parties will have chosen candidates who are intensely loathed by more than a few of their own members. But the parallel stops there. McCain is widely admired among Democrats, and many Democratic Hillary haters will be happy to vote for him. By contrast, there is no constituency for Hillary among Republicans who can't stand McCain. Nor, for that matter, will many of them vote for Barack Obama. If it's Hillary, people's growing dislike of Bush, his horrible war, his crumbling economy, his tiresome smirk, will help McCain. Even though McCain is the candidate of the President's party and even though he is the biggest supporter of the Iraq war outside of the Administration, McCain is the one who will seem like a new broom that sweeps clean. Hillary, meanwhile, has been transformed by the Washington press corps in the past few weeks from the first woman with a serious chance of becoming President into a two-headed monster always referred to as "the Clintons."

McCain is a tough candidate to beat in November.

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