Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The McCain Mutiny

Like the Naval officer in the classic film "The Caine Mutiny", Senator John McCain is facing a vigorous insurrection from within the GOP party. McCain has a lock on the GOP nomination, but continues to be battered by conservatives in the media and in the blogosphere. Can he bring the party together? Will the party faithful stay home in November? Do they really hate the Senior Senator from Arizona?

This is a man who has voted with the Republican party 88.1% of the time during the current congressional session. That percentage ranks him higher than the following Senators:

Bob Corker
Mel Martinez
Larry Craig
Lindsey Graham
Thad Cochran
Lamar Alexander
James Inhofe
Orrin Hatch
John Kyl
Jim Demint
Kit Bond
John Warner
John Sununu
Charles Grassel
Judge Gregg
Tom Coburn
Ted Stevens
Lisa Murkowski
Norm Coleman
Chuck Hagel
Richard Lugar
Norm Coleman
Susan Collins
Olympia Snowe
Gordon Smith
Arlen Specter

Now, it is important to concede that Senator McCain has also missed some votes due to the campaign, however an 88% mark for the last year seems pretty consistent. A lifetime conservative ranking of 82% shows a career of consistent party line votes.

Has he ever wandered? Yes. But, if Governor Huckabee or Governor Romney had that many years in the Senate, what would their voting record have looked like? It is doubtful that either one of them could have been much more consistent.

Nevertheless, the bitterness and vitriol against McCain continues.

The constant carping against the nominee will not help to build the needed enthusiasm to win in November.

Will it ever stop? Or is the party fractured for good?


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